Yesterday we picked our wedding rings up from Hatton Garden - hence the photo. They've now been hidden away, as the groom-to-be is more than aware that I'd wear mine around the house, given the chance (the very reason my wedding dress is in the care of my parents).
So there’s six weeks left to go! People keep asking me if I’m stressed or nervous, and have to say I’m not…yet.
However, I’ve just seen the results of a new survey which was conducted by the makers of migraine treatment Imigran Recovery around common wedding stresses and fears among brides to be.
They found nearly half of brides feared illness, including migraine, insomnia, acne or cold sores had the most chance of ruining their wedding day, ahead of family arguments, their partner not turning up, and stumbling over their vows.
Having suffered from all of those illnesses at some point, I’d have to agree. I’m very lucky that I’m not a frequent migraine sufferer, unlike 15% of adults in the UK, two thirds of which are women. Some tips for frequent sufferers around managing migraine in the run up to your wedding day include:
• Reduce the risk of an attack by trying to stick to your regular sleeping pattern. This will help you relax and recharge your batteries ahead of the big day.
• Control high stress levels by taking time to discover what is worrying you and try to change your behaviour to reduce it.
I’m also very lucky as my parents have been helping out a lot with the wedding, which is taking lots of stress off. Fingers crossed the only thing I’ll have to worry about on the day is not crying through the whole ceremony!